1. 2. Hariyalo Dantaramgarh Project :-With helping of Gram Panchhyat Dantaramgarh the Ngo has started
plantation program. 800 trees with
safety guard net planted at Dantamagarh Govt. offices, Nanwa, Sikar, Jaipur
roads and other vulgar places with public contribution.
Mr. Rajesh Kumar Meena S.D.M.
DTR, Mr. Babulal Kumawat Founder, Mr. Ratan Yadav Sarpanch Representative Gram
Panchyat DTR, Ms. Jyoti Kumawat NVY Block Dantaramgrh Nehru Yowa Kendera and
other VIP inaugurating The Hariyalo Dantaramgrh Project and planting Sikar Road,
Police Station and other Govt. offices with Ngo volunteers.
1. 3..Clean India Project:-The Ngo started cleanness campaign with helping Nehru Yowa Kendera Sikar ( Sports & Youth Ministry Govt. of India ) at Dantaramgarh . The Ngo team and officers have cleaned, swept and collected refuses from not only SC/ST colonies but also Govt. Offices and public places. The Ngo’s tailoring learners stitched 10000 cloth bags and distributed them in every home instead using plastic.
Collecting the refuses
before Govt. PHC and Panchyat Samiti surrounding Govt. offices and other vulgar places of Dantaramgarh by
Ngo’s volunteers.
1. 4. Vocational Training Project by Beauty Parlor
129 rural
women and youths including ( 57 sc and st ) have been trained in beauty Parlor
training free of cost for develop their skills live-hood with Give India
Vocational Trainees and Mr. Tarun Joshi ( Dist. Youth Officer, NVK, Sikar, Mr. Ankit Jaiswal Central Coordinator Ministry of Youth New Dehli, Miss Jyoti NVY and Ngo’sOfficers providing the certificates for their success training. Glimps of Inauguration Of Beauty Parlor training.
1. 5..Women Empowerment Project By Tailoring, handicraft
and emporidery Project:-198 rural women, youths
including ( 103 ST/ST/OBC) have been trained in tailoring, weaving and
handicraft trainings free of cost with public and CSR Aids.
Youth Development Project :-
The Ngo has implied the following programs for all round development and special their skill development with grant by Central / State Govt and other CSR funds:-
(A) District Neighbors Youth Parliament Program (Feb 24,2024 to March 2,2023)
1000 Youths form Sikar
Nagaur and Jhunjhunu Districts from Rajasthan participated in the program with
Program President Mr. Subhanand Sarswati (M.P. of Sikar)
Mr. Manglaram (DYO), Mr.Sudesh Pooniya(National Awardee) and Mr. Babulal Kumawat ( founder) adorning to Mr.Subenanand (M.P. Sikar) as a chief guest of the program.
The participants from ( Sikar, Nagaur and Jhunjhunu districts ) in the program.
Development free trainings
The Ngo has provided three months diploma trainings i.e. Handicraft Computer Hardware Mobile and Domestic Items repairing , tailoring beauty Parlor and canning to 629 youth including Obc – 271, SC / ST – 196, General – 77 and Minors -85 with Give India foundation Banglore.
The practical class taking the Handicraft training by the participants.
The beauty parlor trainees taking the practical class.
Aajadi ka Amrit
Mohotsav & Cantribution in Democracy Awaken Program On 16 August 2022 To Create patriotism
emotions in rural youths the Ngo held the program for 300 collegious students
with Mr. Gopal Swaroop grant by work shop and seminar.
The VIP Guest and resources persons of the Work Shop. Mr Tarun Joshi (DYO, Sikar) Mr. Gopalswaroop Lecture, Mr. B.l. Kumawat and other VIP departing the rally.
Valor Creation
Project on (Jan 23,2023 to Feb 22,2023)
The Ngo organized
one month Velour Creation Program for youth to create brother hood, patriotism,
constitution loyalty and valor by seminar, discussion , drawing competition,
Nukud Natak and other awakening culture program with Mr. grant at DantaRamgarh tehsil.
Health Development Project :-
The Ngo organized the following health programs to recover health check –up camps natural treatment, health Rights, Yoga camps and other awakening events:-
1. Multipurpose medical Camp on March 10, 2023
Specialist of skin, physical Eye, ladies, heart and Ent haven provided their medical service in the camp on March 10 at Mital & Pasari Bhawan Danta 387 out door registered and they provided medicines check up and advice.
Doctor teams are checking the patients and giving free medicines to
(A2. Yoga Park & Old age friend and Family Care Center Project:-
The Ngo has been implying Yoga Park & Old care Center at Ward No 19 DantaRamgarh Dist Sikar for last 1 year 40-50 older persons, retired govt employer take yoga class at 5am to 7am free at coast. The Ngo provides them Yoga teacher space lawn jim instruments and awaken them for their well health.
Taking the yoga class .
1. 3. Vocational Training Project :-
120 Rural women & youth girls
including 43 SC/ ST , 56 Obc, 12 General and poor, 3 widow and 6 minor have
have been trained both ladies and gent tailoring and weaving through one year
Vocational training project with Microsec foundation calcutta at Danta (Sikar)
Rajasthan by the Ngo. The trainees were not only provided training but also
employment and sewing machine.
Mrs. Sangita Chodhary ( Director, Govt.of ISO Jaipur),
Mr. Ghishalal Chipa x-reader high court, Mr. Sudesh Pooniya Mr. B.L. Kumawat
and Mr. Parmanand (PD) inaugurating the batch. Mr. Harphool Verma Lecture
inspecting the practical class.
4. 4. Community Harmony & flag Day
Project :-
The Ngo organized 4 grand community Harmony conference for to develop national unity, patriotism, non alignment, brother hood and community awakening at Ramgarh Khatu , Danta Bharija form 48 Villages all community Rurals with sathi Ray foundation Banglore form Nov 19 2022 to nov 25, 2022. A follow up camp hold on feb 16, 2023.
Miss Pratibha Verma (IAS & SDM, Dantaramgarh)
addressing the flag day and prizing the prized the winners.
5. 5 Women Empowerment Project:- The Ngo has provided free tailoring training batch for 13 Gram Panchayats 153 Women and youth girls (Including SC/ST-68, OBC -53, other -32)
Miss Pratibha Verma SDM Dantaramgarh inaugurating the
empowerment project taking the trainees the class.
1. 6 Skill Development Project: 318 Rural Women and Youth girls including 117 Obc, 129 SC/ST , 34 General, 38 Minors from 11 different village have been trained in beauty Palors free training with Grant at Nehru Yuva Kender (Ministry of youth Affair Govt. of India) at DantaRamgarh and seth Ghanshyam Dilip Kumar Pansari at Danta Munspulty.
1. 7 Woolen Kit distribution Project : The Ngo has distributed 1000 Sweaters among Govt Schools poor students like every year –(i) Govt Var. Upp. Sanskrit School Ramgarh – 23 (ii) Govt UPS Keero ki dhani - 163 (iii) Govt Sen Sec. School Govati - 376 (iv) Govt UPS Sanskrit Sahrano ki Dhani Bharija – 106 (v) Govt Pravashika Sanskrit School – Losal – 117
10 1000
blankets too distributed to slums Ramgarh, Danta, Khachariyawas, Bharija,
Dansroli, Motlawas
8. 8. Plastiless India Campaign :- Appeal al Mr. Narendra Modi
(PM of India) & Mr. Rajesh Meena (SDM) or Ms. Pratibha Verma (IAS) help the
Ngo held 10 plastic less Awakening work shops 10000 cloth and jute bags divided
in Khatushyamji & Jeenmataji fair and 18 Govt. Schools.
8. 9. Awaken Women herself with others for
their development Project:-
The Ngo organized 5 Awakening work shops
for Women’s Right at DantaRamgarh, Khatu, Jeenmataji, Khatu in Sikar (
Rajasthan) 200 ladies have participated in each , such the way 1000 Women have
awakened for their constitutional Right by the Ngo. On the World Women on the
world Women day on March 8, 2023 a follow up camp and employment fair was held
for the women who participated the work shops by the Ngo. Miss Heena 2022,
Dance and Miss DantaRamgarh compaction held for them. 28 Poor women were
provided sewing machine and for self employment.
v Project:
The Ngo has
completed the following project with Govt. CSR & Public contribution’s
grant in aid.
Protection of Our
Heritage Project:
The Ngo has implied the project with Give
India Hyderabad & Give Do grant. The five ancient and famous forts (Ramgarh
,Danta, Khachriwas , Harsh & Shyamgarh) Were Visited cleaned, Swept by the
400 Rural Youths freely. They were awakened born charm and protection emotions
them- They were taught the forts history and importance.
Meri Mitti Mera Desh
Project (Panch Parna Project):-
To follow Shri Narendra Modi (PM of India) appeal India’s unison and Integrity the Ngo has brought DantaRamgarh Tehsil’s every village sand and given to Sikar District’s Collector Through SDM DantaRamgarh. The Ngo’s representative Subhas Bajya, Neetu Kumawat and Miss Suman Bajya Carried the sand earthen pots to Parliament in Present Mr. Narendra Modi (PM of India) Dehli leading whole Sikar District 35 Participants . The Project was granted by Nehru Yuva Kendre Sikar( Ministry of Sports & Youth Affairs New Dehli)
Govind Singh SDM Dantaramgarh forwarding the earthen pot to PMO Parliament Govt
of India .
Ramniwash Sharma Development officer PS Dtr and other dept.officers collecting
the tehsils sand for forwarding DM Sikar.
Ren Bashera (Free Night
Stay Inn)Project:-
Ngo has been managing free Night stay Inn Project last One Year for wandering,
Poor, Passengers, baggers and others. They are provided free of coast not only
bed blankest but also food too by DantaRamgarh Indane Gas Agency (CSR fund) at DantaRamgarh
Main Roadways bus Stand.
Ratan Yadav Sarpanch RP, Dantaramgarh, Mr. Ratan Lora and other politicians
with Mr. Babulal Kumawat founder inaugurating the Bashera.
Education Kit
Distribution Project:-
The Ngo has distributed 10,000 Note-Books, Pen School. Uniforms and 1000 woolen sweaters, 500 blankets, 500 School bags to 1800 poor students reading in 10 Govt Schools Sankrit School DantaRamgarh Govt Middle & Primary School Naya Bash, Amani Pura, Danta, Ahirka Bas, Kerio ki Dhani, Amarpura, Saharonu ki Dhani, Suliyawas, Chadelika bas and slums street begger and poor with Mr. Prathivi Pal Meena (RAS) and CSR grants.
the school bags, note books, sweaters, blankets and other woolen clothes the
school students and slums inhabitants.
Mission Life Project:-
540 Rural youth girls are awakened for life style, adolescents problem’s and solution, climate change’s effect on individual and social level by 10 awakening workshops seminars launched by India PM. Mr. Narendra Modi grant by Ministry of sports and youth Affair Govt of India.
The participants
joining the competitions.
6. Vocational Training Project:-140 Rural girls youths women were provided free of coast Vocational Training by tailoring and weaving at Mital Bhawan Danta (Sikar) granted by Microsec foundation Calcutta.
Road Safety Awakening
Month Project:-
The Ngo has held a monthly from Jan.01,2024 to Feb.01,2024 “Road Safety Awakening Project” with give India foundation’s grant. A grand Work Shop was held at its B.O. Office. About 5000 Youths, Women and Rural have participated in it. They are awakened traffic Rural, growing accidents reason, driving way and its getting license way etc. Whole traffic drivers eye sight of state Highway were checked and gave medicines, spectacles traffic rules and other information’s.
Dr. Purshotam Sharma BCMHO, DTR, Mr Sudesh
Pooniya Youth Awardees and other resources persons addressing the work-shop.
v Education Sector:
The Ngo has implied the following programs to
spread education, awakening to rural for their rights govt/ Non govt. schemes
new inventions, technological knowledge, computer literacy rescue form
exploitation and others.
Computer Training:-
560 Rural youths, women have been provided
basic computer diploma/degree free of coast. They are provided operating system
mobile/ computer and rescue tips from cyber attacks.
Mr. Tarachand Jandu CPDPO, DTR, Dr. Neha inaugurating the computer batch and getting the training the beneficiaries.
Dr. Ambedkar
Contribution to Society Awakening Work-Shop:-
Ngo celebrates Ambedkar Jayanti every year on April 14. The Ngo has organized 5
Work- shops at different places (Palsana, Bay, Danta, Dansroli and Khachariwas)
for to awaken Dr.Ambedkar contribution for mankind and society. About 5000
Rural & Students were awakened with it.
resource persons are telling the Dr. Ambedkar contributions.
Smoking Inhibition Awakening
Work –Shop:-
The Ngo has held a work shop for DantaRamgarh Tehsil’s School college and other coaching center’s 1000 Students for to awaken avoid smoking. The resource persons show video films concern specialist Doctor’s told about harmful effects of smoking to them. They Described modern intoxication/ Smoking way and quit smoking way and prevailed them for no smoking.
The smoking inhibition team inspiriting and
awakening to rural by rally.
Cyber Safety Awakening
Week Project:-
5 College’s 1700 Students (Tagore PG Ramgarh,
Govt Achorya college chak, Vinayak Deface College Danta, Aryan PG College
Ramgarh, Shivan ITI College Danta are awakened Kind of Cyber theft and rescue
from Cyber attack by the Ngo during Cyber safety week. A Work Shop for 300
Rural women and men was held by the Ngo at Ngo’s B.O. DantaRamgarh.
Mr. Rahul Mund Manager SBI Mr. Hemand Soni
Manager PNB DTR addressing the work-shop and awarding the prizes to various
competitions winner.
Science Contribution to Society
Program (Feb.21 to Feb.28)
debate Poster, Speech & Science fair were held by the Ngo by School &
Collage Student in the period for to grow scientist qualities, new Invention of
science and contribution of science. 1000 Rural and students were participated
on World Science Day Feb.28,2024 at Pansari Bhavan Danta in the Work Shop . The
Various competitive awarded by VIP Guest.
Mr. Ishwar Nastik demo string the science inventions.
6. Women’s Rights & Schemes Awakening Program(1March to 9 March):- The Ngo has organized 4 “ Women’s Right & Schemes Work-Shops at Suliyawas , Surera, Ramgarh & KhatuShyamji final follow-up Work –Shop was held on March 9,2024 at Pansari Bhawan Danta. 1000 Rural Women and youths participated in it. Various Department representatives told them their departmental schemes and women rights. The Ngo has distributed 15 sewing machines to poor rural women who have received tailoring free training by the Ngo but cannot buy sewing machines for self employment like every year on World Women Day.
Unity Day (Sardar Balbh
Bhai Patel Jayanti):For
to hold our country unison, integrity, secularism, community harmony and
brother hood, the Ngo celebrates Unison Day on Oct 31. In this sense the Ngo
celebrated the function at B.O. DantaRamgarh and spread the Unison message to
Miss Heena Contest 2024:
The Ngo holds Tehsil level Heena Contest Youth girls and Women for to create competition emotions. 86 teams participated this year and Miss Shaina Bano Became Miss Heena 2024. The Participates were prized on World Women Day.
9. Marathon Women Strength Race Completion (On March 9,2024):-The Ngo has organized Tehsil level Marathon Women Strength Race competition at Radha Krishna Raman Stadium Danta. Above 500 Women have participated in it. They were adorned shield mementoes trophies and certificated by Ngo.
World Population Awakening
Work-Shop (July 11,2023):-
The Ngo has held the Work-Shop at BCMHO Danta. 500 Rural have participated in it. They have been inspired to break long family, Profits of Small Family, Prevent death rate child malnutrition by specialists.
- v Health Sector:
Ngo has dedicated for recover Rural’s health In this addition The following
programs have been completed by the Ngo.
1. 1. Free of Coast Eye Camp and lens Implant Camp (Jan
The Ngo has held the eye camp at police station DantaRamgarh. 860 patients were checked-up(Outdoor) they were provided medicines spectacle and advise 160 patients were implanted lens freely.
1. 2. World Yoga Day(June 21,2023):-For to spread Importance Yoga aid Yoga with routine work, Yog for himself with society the Ngo celebrated World Yoga Day with Women Pantjali Yoga Camp on June 21,2023 at Pansari Bhawan Danta for 1000 Rural Women.
Participating in World Yoga Day.
3. World Health Awakening Work-Shop:-
The Ngo held a grand World Health Awakening
Work-Shop on April 14,2023 at CHC, Danta for Rural’s health care. About 1045
Participant 10 Spiciest Doctors resources persons Participated in it. They were
told about chiranjive/ Aaushman Bharat Yojna, Heath Rights and others Govt/ Non
gov aid for non curable diseases.
1. 4. Women Pantjali Yoga
The Ngo has held Tehsil level Mahila Pantjali Yoga camp on Feb.02,2024 for 500 Rural Women and Sikar District level at Ramdev Palace Sikar on With Women Pantjali Yoga Samiti Sikar on March 31,2024 for 7000 Rural Women Baba Ramdev Inaugurated virtually it. Sister Dr. Dev Priya, Dev Vani and Dev Garima addressed the camp and told Yoga’s Secrets for health . The Participants followed the saints yoga exercise.
Mr. Govind Singh Bhichar SDM, Saint
Dev Giri & Rohani sisters(Pupils of Baba Ramdev) giving tips well health by yoga.
v In Women Empowerment
Ngo has provided various free of coast trainings to improve poor women
economically, mentally live hood standard and empowering them providing
placement or self employment Job too at DantaRamgarh, Danta, Losal, (Sikar) and
Khorandi (Nagour)in Rajasthan by its skill development centers.
(a) Beauty Parlor Training – 567 Rural Women & youths including (293 Obc + 32 General +126 SC,ST,116 Others)
practical class of beauty parlor
(b) Tailoring Training – 1089 Rural Youth & Women (Including 581 Obc + 103 General + 360 SC,ST + 45 Others)
Verendra Sing MLA Dtr inaugurating the tailoring training.
Computer Training With RSCIT Training – 36 Rural Women have been
trained computer training and provided RSCIT Degree with grant by Govt of
(d) To Provide Employment Kits – 16 Sewing Machines, 2 Parlor Chair & Lab set us were distributed to poor women who trained in the sector but could not buy the Machines for their live hood.
Poor women Getting the sewing machines
and parlor lab’s chairs
In Environment Sector:
(a) Plantation Program – 1000 trees with safety net were planted in vulgar places and Govt office area i.e. Ramgarh Police Station Gram Panchayat, Panchayat Samiti, SDM Court and others.
(b) Environment Protection Awakening Work Shops – For to Protect Environment bio-direst, Re- Cycling of refuses plastic collection and creation of good habit in new generation the Ngo held 5 Work Shops in Ramgarh colleges and Schools.
Mr. Sorabha Swami District Collector,
Sikar, Mr. Mohit DYO, Nehru Yowa Kendra and Smt. Indera Ghatala Irom lady Dist.
Sikar addressing and pledging for plantation.

Volunteering is the heartbeat of compassionate communities, where individuals selflessly dedicate their time and skills to make a positive impact. Whether it's lending a helping hand at a local shelter, participating in environmental cleanup efforts, or tutoring children in need, volunteering embodies the spirit of generosity and solidarity.
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