Environment Sector

Plantation Program:- Our Ngo has been not only growing trees at public places,govt offices and Ngo office but also lapping the planted trees with public donation every year.
To build Bio-Gas, Unnat Chuiha,P.C.C. Programs free latrines.
The Ngo has built 46 bio gas plants,183 Unnat Chulha at P.S. DantaRamgarh and P.S, Kuchaman with helping of D.R.D.A. Dept. The Ngo has been motivating to built latrines in every home in rural area, The Ngo officers and masons have got pcc prog. training and helped in it.
The Ngo held an environment awakening workshop on July8-2014 at its B.O. DantaRamgarh with helping rural women and schools student for to create emotion and responsibilities for environment improvement and preservation. 


       The 8th parlor and PMKVY  students plating the trees and giving to grow more planting message.

     The Ngo organized the following programs to environment preservation, safely and cleaness  at  DantaRamgarh Tehsil (Sikar) & Nanwa (Nagaur)
    A         The Earth Day (April 23,2018)
-   B        Plantation Campaign (July 23,2018)
Planting the learners and ngo staff & departing the awakening rally by Mr. B.L.  kt.
           C    Clean Village _ Clean India Campain (Oct.20,2018 to Nov.02.2018)
Mr. Vimal Pujari with ngo volunteers cleaning the Balaji temple area.
     D   Environment Preservation Day (Dec.01,2018)
                          The participants on Environment preservation Day
    E        LPG Safety Clinic Camps (30/12/2018 to 30/03/2019  
 Mrs. Santra Lora (Director, Gas Agency) giving tips for safety and the participants. 

World Environment Day and Plantation Program ( June 5, 2019 tp Dec. 20, 2019)

For to awaken clean environment and create to plantation in youths , The Ngo organized rally and provided 18 safety nets for already planted trees to PHC, Dantaramgarh. 

                    The CSC officers and Ngo’s members planting trees and giving message. 
A.    National Awakening Programs –
B.     The Ngo has organized the following programs to awaken grow national harmony, unity, humanity,  patriotism, secularism and Indian culture into new generation of rural area with CSR funds and public contribution. E.I. –


Environment Sector Environment Sector Reviewed by Shri kalyan women welfare society on 03:46 Rating: 5

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